Wednesday, March 14, 2012



We cooked and served lunch for 18 people, ate fried chicken in the sunshine, had a birthday party for my MIL Sheri on the porch, and a relaxing hang out by the pond this afternoon.  It was perfectly chaotic.  We are giving Sheri the night off, so we will head back to the "Big House" here in about an hour to serve dinner to our 18 clients. They are having DUCK tonight - yum! 

Another busy day in the life of running a bed & breakfast. 


  1. You are completely surrounded by family and I am so incredibly jealous! Enjoy the time together =)

  2. i am also jealous.

    p.s. why no photo of those sexy white legs?

  3. Love the smiles! Still trying to get in touch with Bob and Sheri - they look so happy - give them hugs for me!

  4. Fried chicken in the sun sounds deliciously like sunny spring time :)

  5. What a blast! Busy but so, so , so fun! Can't think of anything I would have rather done for my Spring Break. Just wished I had another week of Spring Break so I could have stayed longer with you!



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